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Who’s Who?

We’d like to help you access the best person to offer you the advice you need at a time that’s convenient to you with as little fuss as possible. Our GPs offer all the services you’d expect from a family doctor and more, however our Nurse Practitioners and Practice Nurses also offer support in a whole host of areas which traditionally were the territory of the doctor. When phoning for an appointment if you are able to give our administration team an idea of the reason for your appointment, they can try to guide you to the most appropriate clinician; this is not always the GP!

You can access advice about any problem from a clinician daily by telephone.  This is often a good starting point if you are unsure how best to deal with your problem and with whom.

Below is a list of scenarios which may help you decide who would be best placed to help you.  This list is not exhaustive and should not be used as a substitute for phoning to seek advice if you are concerned or unsure.

Do you need to see a Doctor or a Nurse?

You have developed chest pain, acute breathlessness, severe pain or a similar acute problem.

Telephone 999 if you feel it is a life threatening emergency.  Otherwise contact the practice and ask for an urgent appointment and you will be triaged appropriately.

You have new or ongoing symptoms of a medical or mental health problem such as pain, tiredness, low mood, anxiety or a skin condition.

Make a routine appointment to see a GP – this can be either face to face or by telephone.  For mental health conditions we would ask that you make an appointment with our mental health triage nurse.

You have new symptoms of a minor illness such as a sore throat, earache, urinary symptoms or back pain.

Make an appointment with a Nurse Practitioner.  A number of appointments are held in reserve each day for acute problems and can be accessed by phoning during our Triage time.

You would like to discuss or commence contraception.

Make a routine appointment with one of our Practice Nurses.

You require a repeat prescription of the contraceptive Pill or need a smear test done.

Make a routine appointment with one of our Practice Nurses.

Your Asthma is not controlled adequately, or you are due a review.

Make a routine appointment with one of the Nursing Team that specialises in Respiratory Medicine.

You are seeking advice about lifestyle change including weight loss and smoking cessation.

Make a routine appointment with one of our Practice Nurses.

You have been asked to have an ECG or Blood Pressure follow up having seen a Doctor or Nurse in the past 12 months.

Make a routine appointment with one of our Healthcare Assistants.

You have been asked to arrange a Blood Test appointment.

Please make a routine appointment with the Phlebotomist.

You wish to discuss having a contraceptive coil (IUD or IUS) fitted.

Please make an initial telephone appointment with Dr Birney, Dr Levison or Dr McFarlane.

You wish to discuss the contraceptive implant.

Please make a telephone appointment with Dr Birney, Dr Burgess, Dr Haldane, Dr Levison or ANP Linsey Keiller.

You have sustained a minor injury.

Please attend the Minor Injuries Unit at St Andrews Community Hospital or an A&E department.

You require wound dressing, removal of stitches or similar.

Please ring 01334 465567 to book an appointment with the Treatment Room team.