Advice & Links
NHS Inform provides a wealth of information for patients on Illnesses and Conditions including Self-Help Guides, information on Tests and Treatments, Healthy Living, Care, Support and Rights and Scotland’s Service Directory
If you suspect you may be suffering from a serious condition that has not been diagnosed, don’t delay, make an appointment to see your GP.
Although Pipeland Medical Practice endeavors to regularly review our links we cannot accept responsibility for the content of external sites and would like to respectfully remind you to review the source of any medical information you read online. Use the alphabetical listing below to navigate to an area of interest.
Alcohol Misuse
Information on drinking sensibly, knowing your limits and getting support for alcohol abuse.
Whether you’re worried about yours or someone else’s drug and/or alcohol use, looking for advice, or to access support, Fife’s Alcohol and Drug Partnership services are here to help.
The ADAPT Substance Recovery project provides early intervention and access to recovery for anyone in Fife concerned about a growing alcohol or drug problem. ADAPT is a project run by Fife Alcohol Support Service (FASS). They offer advice, access to services and counselling for individuals and family members worried about alcohol or drugs including legal highs (New Psychoactive Substances) and prescribed medications.
DAPL offers one to one counselling, support, information and advice to individuals and families who are affected by substance use and live within Fife. The service is free and confidential and offered by experienced workers.
An allergy is a reaction the body has to a particular food or substance.
Allergy UK has a dedicated helpline for people who need help and support, as well as free factsheets that proide information to explain the symptoms and triggers that people with allergies are dealing with.
Alzheimer's Disease
Alzheimer’s disease is the most common type of dementia, affecting an estimated 850,000 people in the UK.
Alzheimer’s Research UK is the UK’s leading dementia research charity, dedicated to causes, diagnosis, prevention, treatment and cure.
Alzheimer Scotland is Scotland’s national dementia charity. They provide support and information to people with dementia, their carers and families, and campaign for the rights of people with dementia and fund vital dementia research.
Anxiety is a feeling of unease, such as worry or fear, that can be mild or severe. Everyone has feelings of anxiety at some point in their life. For example, you may feel worried and anxious about sitting an exam or having a medical test or job interview. During times like these, feeling anxious can be perfectly normal.
Arthritis is a common condition that causes pain and inflammation in a joint.
Versus Arthritis campaign for arthritis to be seen as a priority, challenge how people see arthritis and ensure everyone has access to the best information, advice and support they need, whenever they need it.
Asthma is a common long-term condition that can cause coughing, wheezing, chest tightness and breathlessness.
Atrial Fibrillation
Atrial Fibrillation (AF) is a condition that causes an irregular heart rate.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a groip of behaviourial symptoms that include inattentiveness, hyperactivity and impulsiveness.
The ADHD Foundation is the UK’s leading neurodiversity charity, offering a service for those who live with ADHD, Autism, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Dyscalculia and Tourette’s syndrome.
Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), usually called autism, is something you’re born with. Autism means that the way you think about and experience the world is different to most people. This means that you can behave differently to most people, and have different strengths and difficulties.
Autism Rock (Fife) offers support, advice and services for children and adults with autism and their families in Fife.
Scottish Autism is an organisation dedicated to enabling autistic people to lead happy, healthy and fulfilling lives.
Back Pain
Most back problems start for no obvious reason. The spine is strong and back problems are rarely due to any serious disease or damage.
Bedwetting (Enuresis)
Bedwetting affects around half a million children and teenagers in the UK. It’s an issue families can find very isolating and difficult to talk about openly. It can take a huge toll on family life and affect children’s self-esteem and emotional well-being.
ERIC, the Children’s Bowel and Bladder Charity, is the UK’s leading charity supporting all children and teenagers with a bowel or bladder problem.
Grief is a very complex and intensely personal issue, and can affect you in different ways. Losing someone close to you is a highly distressing experience, associated with a range of powerful emotions.
Cruse Scotland has been supporting bereaved adults, children and young people across Scotland for over 60 years. Together with their 230-strong team of compassionate, committed and caring volunteers, they offer hope when the future seems empty.
Winston’s Wish charity supports bereaved children, young people, their families and the professionals who support them.
PETAL was established in 1994 and is the most recognised, and longest serving Criminal Justice bereavement support organisation in Scotland. This service is specifically for people who are victims affected by serious crime Murder or Culpable Homicide (and Suicide). We support those close family members who are experiencing the bereavement trauma, grief, and loss, in any area of Scotland.
Sands is the leading stillbirth and neonatal death charity in the UK. Sands exists to reduce the number of babies dying and to ensure that anyone affected by the death of a baby receives the best possible care and support for as long as they need it.
Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide exists to meet the needs and break the isolation experienced by those bereaved by suicide. They are a self-help organisation and aim to provide a safe, confidential environment in which bereaved people can share their experiences and feelings, so giving and gaining support from each other. They also strive to improve public awareness and maintain contacts with many other statutory and voluntary organisations.
Blindness / Sight Loss
RNIB Scotland works on behalf of all people in Scotland with sight loss.
The Lady Margaret Skiffington Trust has as its principal object, to benefit blind and visually impaired people who live in East Fife or who come to East Fife for rehabilitation or training.
Blood Donation
A blood transfusion involves taking blood from one person (the donor) and giving it to someone else. The Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service (SNBTS) is the specialist provider of safe high quality blood, tissues and cells products and services in Scotland.
Bowel Cancer Screening
Half a million people in Scotland do their bowel screening test each year, and you’re 14 times more likely to survive bowel cancer if it’s found early. Bowel screening is offered to people aged 50 to 74 across Scotland to help find bowel cancer early, when it can often be cured.
Breast Screening
Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women. Breast screening is a test for breast cancers that are too small to see or feel.
Cancer starts in our cells. Cells are tiny building blocks that make up the organs and tissues of our body. Usually, these cells divide to make new cells in a controlled way. This is how our bodies grow, heal and repair. Sometimes, this goes wrong and the cell becomes abnormal. The abnormal cell keeps dividing and making more and more abnormal cells. These cells form a lump, which is called a tumour.
The RCDS specialises in speeding up the process of diagnosis for patients with vague symptoms which could indicate cancer. Most of the patients referred to us will not have cancer and our aim is to rule this out, as quickly as possible.
Cancer Research UK funds scientists, doctors and nurses to help beat cancer sooner. They also provide cancer information to the public.
If you or someone you care about has been diagnosed with cancer, Macmillan Cancer Support are there to help. Find out how they support you and get information about different cancer types.
A carer is anyone who looks after a friend, family member or neighbour due to old age, physical or mental illness, disability, or an addiction (this does not include paid care workers or those who are volunteering).
Carers Trust is a major charity for, with, and about carers. They work to improve support, services and recognition for anyone living with the challenges of caring, unpaid, for a family member or friend who is ill, frail, disabled or has mental health or addiction problems. Their vision is that unpaid carers count and can access the help they need to live their lives.
Every carer has the right to an assessment of their needs just as much as the person that they are caring for. If you would like more information then your local Social Work Office can help you.
Fife Carers Centre will support adult carers in their caring role with relevant, straightforward information as well as practical help. Most importantly they will work with the carer to protect their own physical, emotional, mental and financial health whilst they maintain their caring role.
Fife Young Carers SCIO is a local charity committed to improving the support and information provided to Young Carers in Fife.
If you look after someone, need care yourself, or are planning for your future care needs, you can get the information you need from Care Information Scotland.
Childrens' Wellbeing
Access Therapies Fife is part of Fife’s Health and Social Care Partnership’s Psychology Service.
Childline is there to help anyone under 19 in the UK with any issue they’re going through. You can talk about anything. Whether it’s something big or small, our trained counsellors are here to support you. Childline is free, confidential and available any time, day or night.
Relationship Scotland is Scotland’s largest provider of relationship counselling, family mediation and child contact services.
Cedar Network is a unique way of working with children, young people and their mothers who have experienced domestic abuse.
Home-Start is a local community network of trained volunteers and expert support, helping families with young children through their challenging times.
Quarriers is one of Scotland’s leading social care charities. They provide practical care and support for vulnerable children, adults and families who face extremely challenging circumstances. They challenge poverty and inequality of opportunity to bring about positive changes in people’s lives.
Families First work with children and young people aged 5-16 years, and their families, with additional support needs, living in rural north east Fife.
Young Minds provide young people and their carers with the tools to look after young people’s mental health.
Ayemind provides a wide range of digital resources to support mental health issues in young people.
NHS Fife CAMHS provides condition specific information and self management advice for young people and their parents. There are also a number of self guided workshops for parents.
Sam’s is a mental health drop-in for people aged 16 years plus. Sam’s offers support for mental health issues, crisis and suicidal thoughts. Sam’s offers peer support, the team at Sam’s have their own lived experience of mental health issues and recovery.
The Corner is a young person’s health and information service based in Dundee City Centre. They offer a wide range of health & information services through their city centre drop-in and outreach work. Services are all free, informal and confidential. Services are for those aged 11-19 years (and up to 25yrs for those in crisis).
Child Protection Committees Scotland (CPCScotland) is a national grouping of professionals who work together to improve the protection of children in Scotland.
The Teapot Trust’s vision is to enrich the lived experience of children and young people with chronic conditions.
Cholesterol is a fatty substance known as a lipid. It’s vital for the normal functioning of the body. Cell membranes, hormones and vitamin D are created by your body using cholesterol.
HEART UK is the UK’s only cholesterol charity, providing support, information and influencing services for families and health professionals.
Coeliac Disease
Coeliac disease is a condition where the body’s immune system damages the lining of the small bowel when gluten is eaten.
Coeliac UK is the charity for people who need to live without gluten.
A colposcopy is a procedure to find out whether there are abnormal cells on or in a woman’s cervix or vagina. The cervix is the part of the womb that sits in the vagina.
Community Support
The Well is a place where you can drop-in, both in your community and online, and find out information and receive general advice to help you stay well and independent within your local community.
On Your Doorstep opens doors to Fife’s communities.
The Staying Safe and Keeping Well booklet has useful telephone numbers and contact information for support services in Fife.
Conjunctivitis is a common condition that causes redness and inflammation of the thin layer of tissue that covers the front of the eye (the conjunctiva). People often refer to conjunctivitis as red eye. Other symptoms of conjunctivitis include itchiness and watering of the eyes, and sometimes a sticky coating on the eyelashes (if it’s caused by an allergy).
Find out where to get contraception, how to use it and which types are available.
Chronic Obstructive Airways Disease (COPD)
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is the name for a collection of lung diseases including chronic bronchitis, emphysema, and chronic obstructive airways disease.
Charis Foundation provide free professional counselling service to anyone in need, regardless of social status, age, race, religious or philosophical belief.
SafeSpace counselling service was established a decade ago to work with clients with, or recovering from, drug and alcohol problems. Since then the service has been extended to vulnerable people in general, even those whose main concerns are not drug or alcohol related.
Crohn's and Colitis
Crohn’s disease is a long-term condition that causes inflammation of the lining of the digestive system. Inflammation can affect any part of the digestive system, from the mouth to the back passage, but most commonly occurs in the last section of the small intestine (ileum) or the large intestine (colon).
Every day, people are diagnosed with Crohn’s or Colitis, the two main forms of inflammatory bowel disease. Since 1979, Crohn’s & Colitis UK has been here for everyone affected by Crohn’s and Colitis.
Deep vein Thrombosis (DVT)
Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a blood clot that develops within a deep vein in the body, usually in the leg.
Dementia is a common condition. Your risk of developing dementia increases as you get older, and the condition usually occurs in people over the age of 65.
Dementia Connect, Alzheimer’s Society’s dementia support service, is free, easy to access, and puts you in touch with the right support.
At TIDE – Together In Dementia Everyday – they believe that carers and former carers have the experience and knowledge to improve health and social care, research, and policy development throughout the UK. With TIDE you can learn to champion your rights as a carer and create real change.
Everyone has spells of feeling down, but depression is more than just spending a few days feeling sad or unhappy. Depression can make you feel persistently sad and down for weeks or months at a time.
Diabetes is a lifelong condition that causes a person’s blood glucose (sugar) level to become too high.
Diabetes UK are leading the fight against the UK’s biggest and growing health crisis. It’s a fight that involves us all – sharing knowledge and taking on diabetes together.
The NHS Tayside Managed Clinical Network (MCN) is a coordinated network of people involved in diabetes care across the region. Within this network, health and social care professionals and people with diabetes work together to continually develop and improve diabetes care. This website provides local information about diabetes and diabetes care for both professionals and people with diabetes
JDRF fund research to cure, treat and prevent type 1 diabetes. Their website provides a vast amount of information, research and support.
Digestive Disorders
Digestive diseases are conditions that affect the gut, liver and pancreas. Collectively they are a factor in 1 in 8 deaths in the UK.
Guts UK supports medical research that saves lives.
Domestic Abuse Support
Scottish Women’s Aid is the lead organisation in Scotland working towards the prevention of domestic abuse. They play a vital role coordinating, influencing and campaigning for effective responses to domestic abuse.
Safer Scotland provides information on support services available.
Kingdom Abuse Survivors Project exists to provide support which aims to eliminate the debilitating effects that childhood sexual abuse can have on adult survivors.
Fife Womens Aid provide support for women experiencing domestic abuse who are living in the community. Staff meet women at a safe and pre-arranged venue to provide support and advice which assists them to cope better should they wish to remain at home or receive support to leave their current situation.
Cedar (Children Experiencing Domestic Abuse Recovery) is a group work model inspired by, and adapted from, an innovative Canadian model for children who have experienced domestic abuse. The model is based on core principles that recognise that domestic abuse is damaging to children as well as to the mother/child relationship, and on the belief that mothers are best placed to support their children in their recovery.
Men’s Advice Line is a team of friendly advisors who will listen and believe you. Their team are available to offer you non-judgmental support, practical advice and information.
Drivers over 70 are less likely to be involved in crashes involving speed, loss of control or alcohol as a cause however when older drivers are involved in a crash the likelihood of them being seriously or fatally injured is up to four times higher simply because of their frailty.
Fife council project officers regularly host presentations for groups of drivers over 65 years with information, advice and support. More information can be found below under the section Older Road Users.
Drug Misuse
It’s important to know more about the substances you’re taking and how to get support.
Whether you’re worried about yours or someone else’s drug and/or alcohol use, looking for advice, or to access support, Fife’s Alcohol and Drug Partnership services are here to help.
Drugs, Alcohol & Psychotherapies Limited (DAPL) offers one to one counselling, support, information and advice to individuals and families who are affected by substance use and live within Fife. The service is free and confidential and offered by experienced workers.
Whether you’ve taken drugs, are thinking of taking them, or are just curious and want to know more, it’s important to know the real facts about drugs.
ADAPT is the main drug and alcohol triage service in Fife. It provides assessment of need and referral to specialist drug and alcohol services within the NHS and Third Sector.
Fife Intensive Rehabilitation & Substance Use Team (FIRST) provides a community based rehabilitation service to individuals in Fife with drug or alcohol issues via one to one, group and volunteer support. Their one-to-one support is delivered by a combination of telephone and face-to-face appointments, usually on a weekly basis. Their overarching aim and purpose is to provide a quality rehabilitation service to clients who wish to change their lifestyle.
The Harm Reduction programme promotes health protection for injecting drug users and helps to reduce the risk of passing on infections to others. Addaction Fife Specialist Harm Reduction Service offers a wider range of equipment than pharmacy based exchanges and also offers a range of other services to help reduce drug related harm including: 1:1 assessment, referral and support into treatment (only if requested).
Eating Disorders
Eating disorders change someone’s attitude towards food and their body in a way that influences their behaviour and eating habits. For example, an eating disorder can cause you to spend a lot of time thinking about your weight and body shape, and do things like avoid eating as much as possible, or exercise more than is healthy.
The National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) is the largest non-profit organisation dedicated to supporting individuals and families affected by eating disorders. NEDA supports individuals and families affected by eating disorders, and serves as a catalyst for prevention, cures and access to quality care.
If you or someone you care for has an eating disorder, SupportED Scotland can help. Their trained and experienced volunteers facilitate peer support groups and one to one befriending.
Beat’s national Helpline exists to encourage and empower people to get help quickly, because they know the sooner someone starts treatment, the greater their chance of recovery.
Atopic eczema, also known as atopic dermatitis, is the most common form of eczema. It mainly affects children, but can also affect adults. Eczema is a condition that causes the skin to become itchy, red, dry and cracked. It is a long-term (chronic) condition in most people, although it can improve over time, especially in children.
National Eczema Society is the UK charity for everyone affected by eczema. They are committed to making life easier for the 1 in 5 children and 1 in 10 adults who suffer from eczema.
Emergencies / First Aid
Every year in the UK, thousands of people die or are seriously injured in incidents. Many deaths could be prevented if first aid is given before emergency services arrive.
Endometriosis is a long-term (chronic) condition where tissue similar to the lining of the womb is found elsewhere in the body. It’s very common, affecting around 1 in 10 of those who menstruate. For some people, it can have a significant impact on their physical health, emotional wellbeing, and daily routine.
On the Endometriosis UK website you will find unbiased, accurate and up-to-date information about endometriosis. You can download any of their publications for further information. If you have any questions or simply need someone to talk to, you can call their free, confidential helpline.
Epilepsy is a condition that affects the brain and causes repeated seizures. Epilepsy is estimated to affect more than 500,000 people in the UK. This means that almost one in every 100 people has the condition.
Epilepsy Action is a community of people committed to a better life for everyone affected by epilepsy. They want high quality, accessible epilepsy healthcare services, so that people with epilepsy have the support they need to manage their condition. They want wider awareness and understanding of epilepsy, so that people living with the condition are treated with fairness and respect.
Epilepsy Scotland’s work focuses on fighting against discrimination and stigma, influencing public policy and providing support.
Young Epilepsy is the only UK charity dedicated to creating better lives for children and young people with epilepsy and related conditions.
Regular physical activity is an important part of living well. People who lead an active lifestyle are more likely to live longer and less likely to develop serious illnesses and health conditions.
TAKE 30 is the Ramblers Scotland guide to walking for health and fitness. Brisk walking for 30 minutes, most days of the week, meets this recommendation and protects the body from many illnesses and conditions.
Facilities at East Sand Leisure Centre
Jogscotland is Scotland’s recreational running network and is part of Scottish Athletics. It is made up of hundreds of jogging groups located right across Scotland, meeting in sports centres, community halls, parks and businesses, and jogging on their local paths, pavements and trails.
Transition Couch to 5K is a coached Couch to 5km session in St Andrews.
Golf for Health is a free programme offered in a relaxed and friendly environment at a number of clubs for people in Fife who are new to golf or who haven’t played in a long time. The programme varies from club to club, but generally begins with an initial taster session to welcome you to the facility and to get to know everyone taking part. This is then followed by small group coaching comprising of eight weekly sessions led by PGA Pro/coaching staff. Everything you need, including golf equipment, is provided. You just simply need to wear comfortable outdoor clothing for the sessions.
Senior Saints offers offers informal drop-in sessions designed for active older adults.
Fibromyalgia, also called fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS), is a long-term condition that causes pain all over the body.
Fibromyalgia Action UK is a registered charity run primarily by unpaid volunteers. The majority of volunteers are also fibromyalgia sufferers who work extremely hard, despite their condition, in order to forward the cause of fibromyalgia. FMA UK was established in order to provide information and support to sufferers and their families.
Foot problems can cause a range of symptoms including pain, swelling and limping. In many cases, new or flare-up of long-standing foot problems should begin to settle within 6 weeks without the need to see a healthcare professional.
On the Personal Footcare pages you will find information and resources that will help you look after your own feet and help you to support others to look after their feet. Personal footcare is part of personal hygiene such as shaving or bathing and covers a set of tasks that an adult, whatever their age, would normally do for themselves if able to.
FootCare Fife is a volunteer supported toenail cutting service for people who struggle to cut their own toenails.
Members of the public can self-refer to the NHS Fife Podiatry Service. You can access an electronic request for assistance form the link below.
GAMBLERS ANONYMOUS is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from a gambling problem. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop gambling.
Gender Dysphoria
Sandyford offers a comprehensive gender service available to young people who are uncomfortable or uncertain about their gender identity or expression, and adult transgender and non-binary people who are considering feminising or masculinising treatment.
Genetic Conditions
Genetic Alliance UK is the largest alliance of organisations supporting people with genetic, rare and undiagnosed conditions in the UK.
Over 700,000 people in the UK have glaucoma. Half of them don’t know they have it. At Glaucoma UK they want to end preventable glaucoma sight loss.
Hay Fever (Allergic Rhinitis)
Allergic rhinitis is inflammation of the inside of the nose caused by an allergen, such as pollen, dust, mould, or flakes of skin from certain animals. It’s a very common condition, estimated to affect around one in every five people in the UK.
Heart Disease
Heart diseases are conditions that affect the heart and blood vessels.
The British Heart Foundation fund around £100 million of research each year into all heart and circulatory diseases and the things that cause them.
Healthy Eating
Eating a healthy balanced diet can help to prevent diet-related illness and will give you all of the energy and nutrients you need keep active and maintain a healthy weight.
Health and Wellbeing
Over the past ten years, Fife Sports and Leisure Trust have delivered a self-funded health and wellbeing programme that supports people living with long-term health conditions such as cancer, dementia, diabetes, COPD and cardiac incidents.
Bike Pool has many elements but is essentially all about getting more people cycling in St Andrews. As a community group they are open to university students, staff and local residents.
Golf for Health is a free programme offered in a relaxed and friendly environment at a number of clubs for people in Fife who are new to golf or who haven’t played in a long time. The programme varies from club to club, but generally begins with an initial taster session to welcome you to the facility and to get to know everyone taking part. This is then followed by small group coaching comprising of eight weekly sessions led by PGA Pro/coaching staff. Everything you need, including golf equipment, is provided. You just simply need to wear comfortable outdoor clothing for the sessions.
HIV is a long term health condition which is now very easy to manage. HIV stands for human immunodeficiency virus. The virus targets the immune system and if untreated, weakens your ability to fight infections and disease.
Since 1982 The Terrance Higgins Trust has been supporting people impacted by HIV and poor sexual health.
Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)
Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is a treatment used to relieve symptoms of the menopause. It replaces the female hormones that are at a lower level as you experience the menopause.
Menopausematters is an award winning, independent website providing up-to-date, accurate information about the menopause, menopausal symptoms and treatment options. Here you will find information on what happens leading up to, during and after the menopause, what the consequences can be, what you can do to help and what treatments are available.
High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is usually defined as having a sustained blood pressure of 140/90mmHg or above. The line between normal and raised blood pressure is not fixed and depends on your individual circumstances. However, most doctors agree that the ideal blood pressure for a physically healthy person is around 120/80mmHg. A normal blood pressure reading is classed as less than 130/80mmHg.
Head Injury
Minor head injuries are common in people of all ages and rarely result in any permanent brain damage.
Head Injury Symptoms is a guide to recovering from mild head injury, concussion, and mild traumatic brain injury.
Kidney Disease
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a long-term condition where the kidneys do not work effectively. CKD does not usually cause symptoms until it reaches an advanced stage. It is usually detected at earlier stages by blood and urine tests.
Mental Health
Information on identifying, treating and managing mental health problems and disorders
Access Therapies Fife provides information to help you to deal with mental health problems and to access a range of local services. Access Therapies Fife is part of Fife’s Health and Social Care Partnership’s Psychology Service.
Moodcafe provides information and resources to people in Fife to help them understand and improve their mental health.
Mind provide advice and support to those living with a mental health problem and to those that support them.
Breathing Space Scotland are a free, confidential, phone and webchat service for anyone in Scotland over the age of 16 experiencing low mood, depression or anxiety.
No Panic is a registered charity that helps and supports those living with Panic Attacks, Phobias, Obsessive Compulsive Disorders and other related anxiety disorders. No Panic also provides support for the carers of people who suffer from anxiety disorders.
Express Group Fife provides ten drop-in centres throughout Fife for those who have or have had mental health issues. These groups are run to help people cope and recover from their mental health issues and to meet people and socialise.
Penumbra Mental Health is a pioneering charity providing dedicated services for people with mild to serious and enduring mental ill health. They support people on their journey to better mental health, by working with each person to find their own way forward. The power of people’s lived experience enables them to provide pioneering services which transform lives.
SANE has a range of services to help improve the quality of life for anyone affected by mental illness.
Health in Mind have been promoting positive mental health and wellbeing in Scotland since 1982. They do this by providing a wide range of services and courses to support people and enable them to make a positive difference in their lives.
Moodgym is like an interactive self-help book which helps you to learn and practise skills which can help to prevent and manage symptoms of depression and anxiety.
ENeRGI provides support and information for people who have experienced, or are experiencing mental health and/or substance misuse issues as well as their carers. They provide a Drop-In Centre, Anti Poverty projects, Self Directed Support Project and a Housing Support Service.
Shout is the UK’s first and only free, confidential, 24/7 text messaging support service for anyone who is struggling to cope.
Samaritans provides confidential emotional support for people experiencing feeelings of distress or despair, including those which could lead to suicide.
PAPYRUS Prevention of Young Suicide is the UK charity dedicated to the prevention of suicide and the promotion of positive mental health and emotional wellbeing in young people.
Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) are taking a stand against suicide. That means standing against feeling low, standing up to stereotypes and standing together to show life is always worth living.
The Living Life to the Full course is a life skills course that aims to provide access to high quality, practical and user-friendly training in life skills. The course content teaches key skills for tackling and responding to issues/demands which we all meet in our everyday lives.
Fife Employment Access Trust (FEAT) was set up in 1994 by a small group of people concerned about the lack of employment opportunities for people in Fife who had experience of mental health problems. FEAT’s vision is to enable and support individuals to reach their full positive mental wellbeing in a culture where there is no stigma.
Able Futures provides support to the people working and living with mental health difficulties, employers and providers of apprenticeships. Able Futures is a nationwide specialist partnership set up to provide the Access to Work Mental Health Support Service on behalf of the Department for Work and Pensions.
Shout is a free, confidential and 24/7 text support service for anyone in the UK who is struggling to cope. Shout’s trained volunteers are available around the clock to listen and support anyone who is suicidal, depressed, anxious or overwhelmed. The service is anonymous and does not show up on phone bills.
Think Positive aims to help create a more joined up student mental health support sector and to improve student wellbeing.
A miscarriage is the loss of your baby before 24 weeks. Early miscarriages happen in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. Late miscarriages happen between 12 and 24 weeks. Most of the time there’s no clear reason why it happens, but it’s very unlikely to be caused by anything you did or didn’t do. About 1 out of 5 pregnancies miscarry. Since many miscarriages aren’t recorded the figure might be higher.
If you’ve been affected by miscarriage, molar pregnancy or ectopic pregnancy, The Miscarriage Association website will provide the information that you’re looking for.
Occupational Therapy Service
It is possible for patients to self refer for a Community Occupational Assessment. This can be arranged by telephoning the Fife Social Care Contact Centre on 03451 551503.
Organ and Tissue Donation
Organ and tissue donation is the gift of an organ and/or tissue to help someone who needs a transplant. Organ and tissue transplants can save or improve lives across Scotland.
NHS Blood and Transplant provide a blood and transplantation service to the NHS, looking after blood donation services in England and transplant services across the UK. This includes managing the donation, storage and transplantation of blood, organs, tissues, bone marrow and stem cells, and researching new treatments and processes.
Osteoporosis is a condition that weakens bones, making them fragile and more likely to break. It develops slowly over several years and is often only diagnosed when a minor fall or sudden impact causes a bone fracture.
Pain Management
Many people are frightened of pain. However, there are many effective pain medications and other ways of managing pain, so it can usually be controlled. Everyone feels pain differently. Even people with the same condition have very different experiences.
Pain Association Scotland is unique in having pioneered the development and delivery of self-management training for those burdened with Chronic Pain. Its courses are designed specifically to target those in the community who are affected by Long Term (Chronic Painful) Conditions. The Association’s overall aim is to improve the quality of life for chronic pain sufferers by supporting and empowering them to live independently in the community.
Pain Concern is a charity working to support and inform people with pain and those who care for them, whether family, friends or healthcare professionals.
NHS Fife Pain Management Team are a multidisciplinary team of Medical, Nursing, Physiotherapy, Pharmacy, Occupational Therapy, and Clinical Psychology clinicians. The aim of pain management is to actively involve you in learning to self-manage your pain, and to manage the effect it has on your quality of life.
The Pain Toolkit is for people who live with persistent pain and Healthcare teams who support them.
Pelvic Health
The NHS Fife Pelvic Health Physiotherapy Service helps people who have a problem with their pelvis or pelvic floor. This could be a bladder or bowel problem, prolapse, pelvic pain, pregnancy related pain or difficulties with sexual intercourse.
For all Podiatry related advice and links please see Footcare.
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
Polycystic ovaries are common; about one in ten women develop what is called polycystic ovary syndrome. PCOS is also sometimes called Ovarian Androgen Excess, as the ovaries start producing male hormones in slightly increased amounts. WHC provides a confidential, independent service to advise, inform and reassure women about their gynaecological, sexual and post reproductive health.
Verity is a self-help group for those with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). The group was established in 1997 to share the truth about the condition and improve the lives of individuals living with PCOS. Verity is run by individuals with PCOS who are not medically qualified and so cannot offer specific advice. It is always recommended that you seek professional medical advice.
Power of Attorney (POA)
You can give someone you trust the authority to deal with certain aspects of your affairs in case you become unable to manage your affairs yourself. You can choose exactly what powers you want to grant, whether relating to your financial and property matters, or your personal welfare.
The My Power of Attorney campaign is about giving you the power to make decisions that will protect you, your family and those you care about should you ever lose capacity to make decisions for yourself. It has never been more important to plan for your future care- no matter what age you are, a power of attorney safe-guards your financial and health wishes.
Ready Steady Baby is your guide to pregnancy, labour and birth and early parenthood up to 8 weeks.
Maternity services at NHS Fife provide you with safe, effective, women-centred care throughout your pregnancy and birth journey.
The NHS Fife Early Pregnancy Clinic offers a 24-hour telephone triage service along with a face-to-face clinic for women who experience problems in early pregnancy.
Psoriasis is a skin condition that causes red, flaky, crusty patches of skin covered with silvery scales.
The Psoriasis Association are the leading national charity and membership organisation for people affected by psoriasis in the UK. Through their work, they help people whose lives are affected by psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. They do this through funding research, providing information and raising awareness.
Rape and Sexual Assault
The NHS Scotland sexual assault self-referral phone service can help to arrange care for you in the days following a rape or sexual assault. The service may be able to arrange for you to have a forensic medical examination (FME) at a SARCS without making a report to the police.
Rape Crisis Scotland is Scotland’s leading organisation working to transform attitudes, improve responses and ultimately to end rape and sexual violence in all its forms.
Fife Rape and Sexual Assault Centre is an independent voluntary organisation that offers a range of free and confidential time limited support to anyone 12+, of any gender, who has been raped or sexually assaulted at some point in their lives.
Kingdom Abuse Survivors Project exists to provide support which aims to eliminate the debilitating effects that childhood sexual abuse can have on adult survivors.
The Women’s Rape and Sexual Assualt Centre (Dundee and Angus) support women, including trans women, and young people of all genders (aged 8 -18), who have experienced any form of sexual violence, abuse or exploitation in their lives. They promote equality and raise public awareness of the routes of sexual violence and its damaging and life-changing effects.
Safe Space offers 1-1 counselling and groupwork to people of 12 years upwards who have suffered sexual abuse in childhood. Our services are free, independent and impartial, and our workers are professionally trained.
Raynaud's Disease
Raynaud’s phenomenon is a common condition that affects the blood supply to certain parts of the body – usually the fingers and toes. It’s often referred to as Raynaud’s syndrome, Raynaud’s disease or just Raynaud’s.
The Raynaud’s Association is a national non-profit organisation whose mission is to provide support and education to the millions of sufferers of Raynaud’s Phenomenon, an exaggerated sensitivity to cold temperatures.
Relationship Problems
Relate’s services include relationship counselling, family counselling, mediation, children’s counselling, young people’s counselling and sex therapy. They also provide friendly and informal workshops for people at important stages in their relationships. They’re there to help you make the most of your couple and family relationships, past, present or future.
Relationships Scotland’s network provide relationship counselling, family mediation, child contact centres and other family support services across all of mainland and island Scotland. Their work supports individuals, couples and families experiencing relationship difficulties.
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis is a long-term condition that causes pain, swelling and stiffness in the joints. The hands, feet and wrists are commonly affected, but it can also cause problems in other parts of the body.
The National Rheumatoid Arthritis Society provides information and support services for those affected by rheumatoid arthritis (RA), their families, friends, carers and health professionals.
Self-harm is when somebody intentionally damages or injures their body. It is a way of expressing deep emotional feelings such as low self-esteem, or a way of coping with traumatic events, such as the death of a loved one.
Alumina is a free, online seven-week course for young people struggling with self-harm. Each course has up to 14 young people, all accessing the sessions from their own phones, tablets or laptops across the UK.
LifeSIGNS is the user-led small charity creating understanding about self-injury. Founded in 2002, it’s their continuing mission to guide people who hurt themselves towards new ways of coping, when they’re ready for the journey.
Calm Harm is an award-winning app developed for teenage mental health charity stem4, in collaboration with young people, using principles from the evidence-based Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT).
The Penumbra Fife Self-Harm Project can offer you practical and emotional support if you’re experiencing self-harm. They offer a safe, non-judgemental space where you can explore your self-harming behaviours, and they work with you to manage and identify healthy coping strategies.
Sexual and Reproductive Health
Sexual and reproductive health including sexually transmitted infections (STIs), erectile dysfunction, menopause and periods.
Sleep Problems
Insomnia is difficulty getting to sleep or staying asleep for long enough to feel refreshed the next morning. It’s a common problem thought to regularly affect around one in every three people in the UK, and is particularly common in elderly people.
Sleepio was validated in the world’s first placebo-controlled clinical trial for a digital sleep intervention.
Established in 1998, Sleep Scotland have supported thousands of people to have healthy sleep. Thrye are the leading provider of sleep support, training and resources in the UK. They work with professionals, families and employers to promote healthy sleep for everyone.
Snoring is the coarse sound made by vibrations of the soft palate and other tissue in the mouth, nose & throat (upper airway). It is caused by turbulence inside the airway during inspiration. The turbulence is caused by a partial blockage that may be located anywhere from the tip of the nose to the vocal chords. Snoring can originate from the nose, oropharynx or the base of the tongue.
Smear Test (Cervical Screening)
Cervical screening (smear test) is a quick test to check your cervix (neck of the womb) for the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV).
NHS Inform provides information on the benefits of quitting smoking to you and those around you. Find the support you might need to make your quit attempt a success.
ASH Scotland – Action on Smoking and Health (Scotland) – is the independent Scottish charity taking action to reduce the harm caused by tobacco. They seek to improve health and quality of life by helping to create a society which supports young people in remaining tobacco-free, helps those who want to stop smoking, protects people from second-hand smoke and challenges the inequalities resulting from tobacco use.
Streptococcus A (Strep A)
Group A Streptococcus (GAS), also known as Strep A, are bacteria commonly found on the skin or in the throat. Under some circumstances these bacteria can cause disease. GAS infection commonly presents as a mild sore throat (‘strep throat’) and skin/soft tissue infections such as impetigo and cellulitis.
A stroke is a serious, life-threatening medical condition that happens when the blood supply to part of the brain is cut off. Strokes are a medical emergency and urgent treatment is essential. The sooner a person receives treatment for a stroke, the less damage to the brain is likely to occur.
The Stroke Association are there to support people to rebuild their lives after stroke. They believe everyone deserves to live the best life they can after stroke. They provide specialist support, fund critical research and campaign to make sure people affected by stroke get the very best care and support to rebuild their lives.
Selfhelp4stroke is a free self management website for anyone who has had a stroke.
It was developed by Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland in partnership with NHS Scotland, The University of Edinburgh, and people who have had a stroke living in Scotland.
If you’re experiencing suicidal thoughts or thinking about self-harm, it’s important to know that you’re not alone.
PAPYRUS Prevention of Young Suicide is the UK charity dedicated to the prevention of suicide and the promotion of positive mental health and emotional wellbeing in young people.
ANDYSMANCLUB are a men’s suicide prevention charity, offering free-to-attend peer-to-peer support groups across the United Kingdom and online. They want to end the stigma surrounding men’s mental health and help men through the power of conversation.
Travel Health
From 1st April 2022, all immunisations, including those for travel are now administered by the NHS Fife Immunisation Team and not GP Practices.
Fitfortravel is a free public access website providing up to date health information for the UK public on avoiding illness and staying healthy when travelling abroad.
Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are common infections that can affect the bladder, the kidneys and the tubes connected to them. Anyone can get them, but they’re particularly common in women. Some women experience them regularly (called recurrent UTIs).
Complete this guide to assess your symptoms and find out if you should visit your GP, pharmacist or treat your condition at home.
Veteran Support
Veterans First Point (V1P) has been developed by Veterans for Veterans and is staffed by an alliance of clinicians and Veterans. The service they provide is free at the point of access and provided as part of the NHS. V1P works in collaboration with a large range of both statutory and third sector providers to meet the needs of veterans ‘whatever they may be.’ There are currently six Veterans First Points in Scotland each providing a range of services that work to the same ethos.
Combat Stress is the UK’s leading charity for veterans’ mental health. For over a century, they’ve helped former servicemen and women with mental health problems such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety and depression.
Women's Health
This platform sets out information on women’s health at key stages of life, from puberty to later years. While this platform uses the term Women’s Health, not only those who identify as women require access to women’s health and reproductive services. For example, some transgender men, non-binary people, and intersex people or people with variations in sex characteristics may also experience menstrual cycles, pregnancy and the menopause.
Women’s Health Concern (WHC), established in 1972 and provides a confidential, independent service to advise, inform and reassure women about their gynaecological, sexual and post reproductive health.