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Administration Team

Donna Whittet – Business and Development Lead

Donna’s role is to ensure the smooth running of the Practice Team.  She contributes to and co-ordinates the team in developing and delivering high standards of practice whilst liaising with our patients and other NHS organisations.  She provides leadership for the strategic and financial management of the Practice, enabling it to meet its agreed aims and objectives within a safe, efficient and effective working environment.

Clerical Officers

  • JoHannah Pollock (IT and Clerical Lead)
  • Laura Hunter
  • Sarah Kell
  • Linsey Lawson
  • Fern McLennan
  • Aimee Davenport
  • Valerie Paterson
  • Jennifer Straith
  • Anita Kirk
  • Natasha Wilcox
  • Amie Hagger
  • Robyn Young

Coding Team

  • Linda Stewart
  • Lorraine Walker

IT and Clerical Lead

  • JoHannah Pollock

Office Administrator

  • Angela Peat

Prescribing Team

  • Jakie Barclay – Senior Prescriptions Officer
  • Donna Thomson


  • Susan Munn
  • Beth Paton